Creator's comments on Lemon Jenny

Lemon Jenny was created from a 1996 Calender Girl Jenny. I had bought her out of box and played with just so I could get the outfit she was wearing. When I got her, she looked like one of those toys that were played with for awhile then suddenly tossed away. I felt sorry for her so I gave her a second chance.

Lemon Jenny just features eye color change from brown to green. I also gave her an eyebrow redo and a lip repaint. I extended her eyebrows inward to give her that look. I think it looks snobby looking and I'm satisfied with it. Attitude is better.

I wanted to frost her lips, but of course with the paint I use, it's not compatible with any other brand of paint and of course it doesn't have a pearl color. Waah!

Her hair has yet to behave. When I had purchased her, it was pulled into unnatural pig tails. Some chunks of hair were cut tremendously short and her bangs won't sit right. She'll have to get a boil perm soon. As for her hair in the photo? Well... the fan was blowing at her.

And of course she's sporting Teen Skipper fashion because I suck at sewing!!


Lemon Jenny created by Pretzel on April 24, 2000